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Traditional Commission Listing

o Owner has a quick, easy, and very cheap way to list their real estate on (“our” MLS), Miami’s Free Public Access Real Estate Cloud.

o Owner’s listing “indicates” that owner “intends” to sell and wants a potential buyer to direct an offer to purchase to us, the broker/agent representing owner, and that the right offer “will” make owner sell.

o Owner is required to sign a formal real estate listing contract with us where we make a good faith effort to bring a buyer who is ready, willing and able to execute the contract on terms agreed to by owner and buyer, in exchange for the agreed to commission (this is not an advertisement).

o Buyer deals directly with us, the broker/agent, because only our contact information is displayed in owner’s listing.

o Owner may get an offer to make owner sell, and at the right time.

o Owner has the option to switch between advertisement and listing services.

Where is a Traditional Commission Listing placed?

o We place owner’s listing on “our” MLS, plus, other similar marketplaces, and social media outlets where we allow anyone to share owner’s listing. Also, if requested by owner, we will “list” owner’s real estate on a “different” MLS, if we elected to participate, and subject to its rules.