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For Sale By Owner Auction (FSBOA)

(Flat fee 1 year)

o Owner has a quick, easy, and very cheap way to advertise their real estate on (“our” MLS), Miami’s Free Public Access Real Estate Cloud.

o Owner’s advertisement “indicates” that owner “intends” to sell either by “traditional offer or by auction” (not a distressed sale auction) and wants a potential buyer to direct an offer or bid to purchase to owner (via email, unless specified otherwise), and that the right offer or bid “will” make owner sell.

o Owner is not required to sign a formal real estate listing agreement (this is an advertisement).

o Owner deals directly with the public because only owner’s contact information is displayed in the advertisement. Only owner will receive initial communications from the public. We will not permit a real estate broker/agent to pay us to advertise their contact information next to owner’s advertisement because it may mislead the public to first contact the broker/agent instead of owner. We do not condone this type of bait-and-switch advertisement.

o Owner has the option to accept or decline an offer or bid (subject to auction rules).

o Owner may get an offer or bid to make owner sell, and at the right time.

o Owner may raise or lower the sale’s price to test out a price-point.

o Owner has the option to switch between advertisement and listing services.

o Owner benefits because owner is not required to place a for sale sign on their real estate for the public to see; yet, owner can silently entertain bids.

o Owner benefits without the downside of having a “stale” formal listing contract (e.g., about one year old) with a broker/agent that the public can see and track in the event the owner’s real estate did not sale.

o Owner benefits because owner controls the entire negotiation process, when to show their real estate (open house), and what’s in the ads.

o Owner is rewarded for their investment of time and money by pocketing what owner would have otherwise spent on a broker/agent’s commission.

Where is a For Sale By Owner Auction (FSBOA) advertisement placed?

o We place owner’s advertisement on “our” MLS, plus, other similar marketplaces (no commission to pay), and social media outlets where we allow anyone to share owner’s advertisement. Owner is also granted access to our auction platform to auction their own real estate. The advertisement on “our” MLS informs and directs a buyer to make a traditional offer or bid at auction. Also, if requested by owner, we will “list” owner’s real estate on a “different” MLS, if we elected to participate, and subject to its rules. Note that we do not recommend an owner to list (as FSBOA) on a “different” MLS because the listing is out of our control where we cannot provide any assurance that “only” owner’s contact information is displayed in the listing. We make a good faith effort to ensure that owner’s FSBOA advertisement on our MLS remains a true FSBOA (no commission to pay).

Sellers Features

o Publish auctions or fixed price ads

o Choose start and end dates and times

o Set a reserve price

o Set a buy now price

o Auto-relist if an auction is unsuccessful (no bids or highest bid < reserve price)

o Enter a commission % and tax % (only if enabled by administrator)

o Manage auctions, check detailed history and keep track of payment status

o Enter city, country etc. (Google Maps can be displayed on each auction page)

o Make an auction premium or highlighted

o Share auctions on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+)

Bidders Features

o Absentee bidding (Auto Bidding)

o Set up keyword alerts and receive an email if an item matches the entered criteria

o Keep track of auctions using a watch list

o Pay for auctions won using the built-in PayPal (all major debit and credit cards) payment gateway

o Keep track of leading bids and bids that are no longer highest bids

o Receive an email when a bid is no longer the winning bid

o Detailed history and keep track of payment status

o Seller rating (Feedback)

How to easily advertise with us.

STEP 1: Pay / Upload Real Estate Details

o Make the payment for the advertisement service through Pay Pal.

o Owner immediately gets access to our MLS page to enter: (1) personal contact information, (2) details of the real estate, (3) the sales price, and (4) “upload” 10 professional Jpeg images, and 1, 360° virtual video tour, if applicable (all subject to our sole discretion to post live, which normally takes up to 72 hours). In addition, owner gets access to FSBO Auction.

STEP 2: Price Real Estate

o Owner may use free online resources to instantly estimate how much their real estate is worth and find comparable real estate for sale within 100 feet to 1-mile radius of their real estate. Free detailed information about owner’s real estate in Miami-Dade County, Florida, is provided by visiting the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser’s website available at In particular, the Property Search shows the assessed value. The Featured Online Tools provides comparable sales, and tax information, plus much more valuable information.

Assessed Value
o “The Real Estate Division gathers and evaluates data regarding all real property located within Miami-Dade County and utilizes recognized appraisal techniques in the annual valuation process.”

Comparative Sales
o The Comparable Sales Tool allows you to access and compare real estate sale information for properties in Miami-Dade County.

Tax Estimator
o The Tax Estimator provides an approximate amount of taxes that may be due on a property.

STEP 3: Advertise Real Estate

o We advertise owner’s real estate on (“our” MLS) and other outlets according to the paid advertisement service.


o Sell/Auction.